A Guide to Successful Epic Implementation

A guide to an Epic implementation

Mastering the Epic Journey: A Roadmap to Success

Deploying an Epic electronic health record system can be transformative for your healthcare organization. To ensure a smooth transition and long-term success, a well-defined implementation process is paramount. InTegrum, your trusted Epic consulting partner, sheds light on the key steps involved and empowers you to navigate the Epic journey with confidence.

What is Epic Implementation?

Epic implementation outlines the strategic steps required to seamlessly integrate the Epic EHR system into your organization. Here are the core phases that pave the way for a successful and optimized system:

Planning: This foundational stage involves a comprehensive assessment of your organization’s current state, available resources, and strategic goals. By meticulously analyzing your day-to-day operations, InTegrum works with you to identify areas for improvement and tailor the Epic implementation to align seamlessly with your vision.

Analysis: In this collaborative phase, employees from all levels – managers, executives, and staff – work together to define the project’s requirements. This includes outlining the scope of the project, pinpointing specific departments that will benefit from the Epic system, and creating a roadmap of critical workflows that will be streamlined. Additionally, InTegrum helps you identify the necessary personnel, tools, and resources to ensure a successful implementation.

Implementation Design

Project Management Team:  A skilled and experienced team is the backbone of a successful Epic implementation. InTegrum assembles a scalable dedicated team comprised of a project manager, a technical lead, subject matter experts, and quality assurance testers. This team works cohesively to understand your project objectives, ensure seamless communication across all departments, and meticulously follow the implementation plan.

Project Timeline:  A clearly defined project timeline keeps everyone on the same page.  InTegrum creates a comprehensive timeline outlining the completion dates for each project objective, ensuring a smooth and efficient implementation process.

Project Schedule:  The project schedule delves deeper into the timeline, detailing specific tasks that need to be completed within each step. It also assigns ownership to each task, ensuring clear accountability and streamlined project execution.

Project Development:   This phase prepares your team members for their roles within the Epic system.  InTegrum guides you through beta testing, work statement creation, and usability testing to ensure all necessary steps are covered and your team is fully prepared to leverage the power of Epic.

Process Delivery:  Delivery processes ensure that the defined project elements are implemented correctly and on schedule.  InTegrum provides the resources and guidance required to execute a successful Epic implementation and meet your project goals.

Change Management:  Equipping your staff with the knowledge and skills to navigate the Epic system effectively is crucial for long-term success. We provide ongoing support to ensure your team feels confident and empowered to utilize the full potential of Epic.

Partnering for Success with InTegrum

Ready to start your Epic journey and unlock the potential for enhanced patient care, improved efficiency, and a stronger healthcare foundation? InTegrum is your trusted partner. Our team of seasoned Epic consultants possesses the expertise and experience to guide you through every step of the implementation process, from meticulous planning to ongoing support.

Contact us to transform your healthcare organization with the power of Epic!

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